Ruth Simmons is a teacher who specialises in the diagnosis of visual stress and provides coloured lenses, fitted into frames, in order to help students read, write and learn. It is a genetic condition, so parents often discover relief for themselves too.
About 20% of people are affected by visual stress, causing words on a page to be seen as a distorted image of what is actually there, or the background appears more dominant than than the print. The child might say the page is "too bright" or "too glary".
These visual distortions cause, at the least, discomfort to the eyes, and at worst a feeling of nausea and severe headaches and eye strain. Mostly it creates an understandable aversion to reading. Visual stress is a condition that inhibits the ability to focus on text, making comprehension and reading nearly impossible for some.
This condition is a brain processing disorder: treatable through the right colour combination of coloured lenses. Symptoms are often 100% alleviated through Optical Options coloured lenses.
A lens assessment is conducted to determine the right combination of light frequencies (colours) that correct the visual distortions or discomforts of that person's brain. Each person's brain processing is unique, and therefore each colour is selected specifically for a particular purpose for each person's visual perception needs. The process and production is highly individualised. Your child's every visual perception need will be carefully attended to, with a great deal of empathy. Ruth herself suffers from visual stress, and thus is very compassionate towards her clients.
Many students have been mislabeled as `lazy` when it comes to their reading. As they get older they can feel deflated and lose their ability to believe in themselves, which is heartbreaking. If this sounds like your child, find out if they have visual stress! A painless intervention as coloured lenses can create so much happiness!
Most students who come to Optical Options understandably avoid reading, or they try really hard and still struggle. They typically read slowly and inaccurately, and usually can't recall what they attempt to read. It is great relief for all concerned when students find it a pleasure to sit down and do their schoolwork. No more tears and battles over doing schoolwork!
Ruth is a leading specialist in her field with many years of experience and success helping students read better, and enjoy their schoolwork! With Optical Options many students can face a future of following their dreams, not being held back by visual perception issues!! It truly is life-changing: so worth it.